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Version Available (Take 2)

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by croxxx Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:26 am

Nice new release.
I like the new terrain and spawned next to a mountain.
I think a castle would fit in there nicely...
As far as I see there are no lighting problems.
But there is a problem with the light previews in inventory (Displayed as some strange sloped military thing).

A function to "clone" the selected block would be perfect for building (Function that selects the looked at block in inventory).
Also a torch block would be nice (for castles Wink ).



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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by firewoven Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:38 am

I love this game, but I have a few questions about the future of it. Not expecting anything in the immediate future, just looking down the road.

Multiplayer: will tis be coming soon?

Decorations: Any current plans to add anything like decorations? Stuff like chairs, beds, tables, ect.

Crafting: will this exist? If yes will you add tools to the game as well?

Monsters: will you ever add randomly spawning, hostile NPCs of some kind?

Technology: I see in some of the blocks a sort of... scifi feel. Are you considering things like doors and lights to go on a circuit? (like MineCraft has Redstone)

That's all for now. I may have more questions later, and keep up the game, I'm looking forward to playing with a couple friends on it.

And for the point of this topic, which I so blatantly ignored for some reason, the new update is great, and I'm glad you're working on redoing terrain. I can't wait to see water and trees.


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Join date : 2012-01-08

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by croxxx Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:25 am

OK, after a bit of playing here some feedback.

New Blocktypes (slopes, stairs, etc.): Great!
Lighting: No Problems so far...
Performance: Here some work is needed.
If you build (or destroy) near the character the game becomes quite laggy.
I think it's because of the shown effect.



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Join date : 2011-03-24

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by Slaihne Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:00 am

Hi Firewoven,

Multiplayer should be coming soon. It's what i'm currently working on.

Croxx :

I know that it can get a bit slow when you're building / digging close up. It's because the lights that show during these operations basically all become full screen, thus lot's of pixel operations. I'll probably put some sort of detection that knows when you're close to the site of building / digging and reduce the number of lights correspondingly.

I'm glad no-one has had problems with the lighting. It has all basically been redone and had me tearing my hair out for ages.

Has anyone had any issues with saving not working. The compression scheme i used wasn't tested very well before i put up the latest version so there's probably the odd bug or two in there.

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Age : 57

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by firewoven Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:49 pm

I've not noticed issues with saving, but I've only reloaded in the same area once. So I don't know for sure.


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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty BUG help>.<

Post by REAPER Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:39 pm

you have made a butiful game here and i am wantig to play this master piece realy badly

Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 O0ck8h

I have followed all of you steps precisely to make game work.
Radeon x1300/x1550 series
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Windows 7 ultimate


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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by Slaihne Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:44 am

I Googled your video card and it looks like it may not support DirectX 10.

You could try updating your video drivers, but it may not help.

Sorry Sad

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Age : 57

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by REAPER Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:23 am

aw this sucks >.< hopefully i can find a modded directx for my video card
thanks for the help
could you possibly make the game more compatible on a wider rang if isnt to much of a hashel if it is than you dont have to but if you are planing on selling this as a product i will buy this


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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

Post by kamild1996 Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:23 am

REAPER wrote:aw this sucks >.< hopefully i can find a modded directx for my video card
thanks for the help
could you possibly make the game more compatible on a wider rang if isnt to much of a hashel if it is than you dont have to but if you are planing on selling this as a product i will buy this
Right. This engine needs really more optimization. DirectX 10 and 512 MB VRAM for block-based game? DirectX 9 and 128 MB VRAM should be "normal" for this engine.


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Join date : 2012-06-09

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Version Available (Take 2) - Page 4 Empty Re: Version Available (Take 2)

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